2010年11月2日 星期二

左邊、右邊的世界觀 以及 Lie To Me











如果想學會怎麼看出有沒在騙人這件事,或許可以參考Lie To Me;Lie To Me 這部影集找了這樣的素材,運用在影片中,確實也引起了相當大的迴響跟好評,基於科學辦案的根據,也強化了影集的可信度與刺激度。曾經是海上鋼琴師的主角飾演Dr. Cal Lightman,是團隊的Leader他辦案時的眼神非常有說服力,他有著好像可以洞察一切的深邃眼神,讓人著迷不已。

Lie to Me是一部美國影集,以下是Wikipedia對這部影集的介紹:

Based on the real-life scientific discoveries of Paul Ekman, the series follows Lightman and his team of deception experts as they assist law enforcement and government agencies to expose the truth behind the lies.[16]

Lie to Me這部影集是立基於Paul Ekman對真實生活的科學發現。影集中萊特曼和他的團隊擔任了欺騙專家協助執法和政府機構,為了要揭露這些謊言背後的真相。

The season opens with Cal and Gillian hiring a new associate: former TSA officer Ria Torres. Ria scored extraordinarily high on Cal's deception detection diagnostic, and is labeled a "natural" at deception detection. Her innate talent in the field clashes with Cal's academic approach, and he often shows off by rapidly analyzing her every facial expression. She counters by reading Lightman and when he least expects it, peppers conversations with quotes from his books.

It was gradually revealed that Dr. Lightman was driven to study micro-expressions as a result of guilt over his mother's suicide; she claimed to have been fine in order to obtain a weekend pass from a psychiatric ward, when she was actually experiencing agony (which mostly parallels Paul Ekman's anecdote in his book Telling Lies).
For a small number of the early episodes Lightman would team up with Torres working on a case, while Foster and Loker would team up on a separate case. Occasionally their work would intertwine or Foster or Lightman would provide assistance on each others cases. As the first season progressed, the cases became more involved and all four of the main characters would work together on one case for each episode. This formulaic technique is often used in the first episodes of a new series to help establish the characters.
In addition to detecting deception in subjects they interview, Lightman and his team also use various interviewing and interrogation tactics to elicit information that is useful to their cases. Rather than by force, they instead use careful lines of questions, provocative statements, theatrics and healthy doses of deception on their own part. In the show's pilot episode, Lightman is speaking to a man who is refusing to speak at all, and is able to discern vital information by talking to him and gauging his reaction to each statement. This approach is also taken in several other episodes


